Saving costs with rapid tests
Design of the cost-efficiency study
The single-arm trial design precludes a comparative economic evaluation. We will undertake a study-based cost consequence analysis. The cost consequence analysis is well adapted to situations with multiple stakeholders as it enables decision-makers to select the components most relevant to their perspective and gives them confidence that the data are adequate to use as the basis for resource allocation decisions.
All patients included have both AMR DetecTool and routine testing performed and the tests’ results are expected to be available at different times.
We will model:
- The potential contribution of AMR DetecTool to change in the initial treatment
- The contribution of routine testing results to the initial treatment
The stakeholders of interest are:
- The patients
- The medical care team
- The microbiology lab
- The hospital management
The table below presents a tentative list of costs and consequences of interest and will be updated with stakeholders’ interviews.

Pr Isabelle Durand-Zaleski

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